Title: To Kill A Mockingbird
Author: Harper Lee
Rate It: 5 stars
Review It: This book was written with such a powerful, moving voice, even though the narrator, Jean Louise Finch(Scout), is a young girl about eight years old by the story's end. She describes these seemingly small and unimportant events that go on during her life in Maycomb County. Then, in Part Two, the stroy suddenly erupts into a suspenseful climax when the trial of Tom Robinson, an African American, takes place for rape against a white girl. The evidence is substantial against the girl, Mayella, but she still wins the case because she's white...Like I said, I won't ruin anything else for you, but it's just a really gripping must-read-before-you-die classic.
Reviewed By: Monica, age 14
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! It is with great pleasure that I, along with the Royal
Family of Genovia, wish you all the best during this holiday season, and
hope that...
2 months ago
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